To me, yoga is not about how flexible or fit you are, or how much you weigh. Yoga is a tool for self-reflection, a practice of getting to know ourselves. It gives us the opportunity to turn inwards, towards our own experience, and in doing so, reveal our patterns and habits. These patterns may include tension due to stress, avoidance due to injury, of living life in our heads to the exclusion of our bodies, of collapse, of pain, of insecurity; the list is as long and as varied as we are human.
My style of teaching is informed by the philosophy of Vanda Scaravelli and Esther Myers and by my work with Sophy Hoare, Allie Chisholm-Smith and David Emerson. Of course, my greatest teachers are my students.
I teach from a place of compassion and non-judgment and recognize that the process of turning our attention inwards can often be a frightening prospect. I invite you to practice at your own pace and under your own control. My classes are accessible to you whether you’re a beginner or more experienced, and they tend to be more restorative in nature – the challenge manifests itself in the process of slowing down and attending to the subtleties of your inner experiences.
I teach one on one sessions, general classes, private classes, and classes and individual sessions designed specifically for survivors of trauma. I’m based in Hamilton, Ontario, but often travel to teach elsewhere in Ontario. My trauma sensitive yoga teaching includes work with sexual abuse survivors and federally sentenced women in prison.